On-site meeting with Gaptek for SwedAero MRO.

A couple of weeks ago, our CEO Nils Pihlblad went on a Business trip to Spain to meet our business partners. One of the partners Mr. Pihlblad met was Gaptek. 

Gaptek is the company, which will build SwedAero MRO’s Hangar at Eskilstuna Airport. The Hangar will be 6,000 square meters next to Revin Aerospace’s Hangar. 

Nils Pihlblad says: “I had a couple of busy days with Gaptek’s executives. We went to one of the Hangars based in Zaragoza. The construction is impressive, and I can’t wait to start to build ours.” 

Gaptek shares the same ambition as SwedAero to be environmentally friendly by carefully choosing their materials for the building. 

 “If SwedAero MRO’s vision is to be on the front line when it comes to being the MRO of the Green Future, we need to have a broad perspective, which starts already from the first decision taken. Following, we need to integrate the latest technology and make sure we always are up-to-date.” Mr. Pihlblad says. 

The Hangar will be able to maintain up to the size of a Boeing 737MAX, along with Light Jet Aircrafts at the same time. SwedAero will continue the progress of negotiation with Gaptek. 

4 thoughts on “On-site meeting with Gaptek for SwedAero MRO.”

  1. Hello!
    We are currently working on our materials.
    However, feel free to contact us by the contact information on our contact page, and we are happy to provide you with more information.

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